Sunday, June 28, 2015

Inside out review

       (warning: this review may contain some spoilers)

Last weekend I've went to reading's to see Pixar's Inside out, and it has a lot of emotion
(no pun intended) And what I like about movie as well is the Relationship beween Joy and Sadness which was rocky from the start, But they manage to work it out at the end. 

some scenes made me laugh and some made cry such as when Bing Bong (an imaginary friend that Joy/ Sadness befriended on their journey) begain ceasing from existences, And we never got to see him again after that, it..was..deep. 

The short before the movie was super sweet,
A love story between two volcanoes singing 
about their new found love for eachother.  

I gave it a 9 1/2 /10.

Elf on the shelf